Thomas Bewick School is a 3-19 specialist school for autistic children and young people with complex needs and learning difficulties.  Our pupils typically have an autism diagnosis, and all will have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). 

Prospective pupils, parents and carers are welcome to make an appointment to visit to the school to find out about the specialist curriculum and provision available.

All of our places are managed and allocated through consultation and in partnership with the Newcastle Local Authority SEND team.

For a child to be admitted, Thomas Bewick School must be named by the Local Authority in the child’s EHCP. The EHCP describes the child’s needs, and how these needs should be met.

The suitability and appropriateness of any new referral is considered very carefully by the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team in school, and a recommendation is then made to the Newcastle LA SEND team.

If we feel that we are not a suitable placement for a child, or if we feel that a child's admission would be incompatible with the efficient education of other children at the school or an inefficient use of resources, we will provide feedback to the Newcastle LA SEND team about this.

On occasion, it may be necessary to admit a child or young person part way through the school year.

Once a child or young person has been allocated a place, we will discuss transition and any pre-admission arrangements with parents and carers, to make the transfer to Thomas Bewick School as smooth as possible.  It is important for us to know as much as possible about each child prior to their admission so that they have a happy and settled start in our school.

Below is a video tour of Thomas Bewick School.  If you cannot find the information you require through our website and video, please do not hesitate to contact the school.