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Whole School Letters Home

Individual communication will be via Class Dojo unless you have decided not to use Class Dojo, in which case it will be via email.

Name Date Category  
A Welcome from Acting Headteacher Katy Harrison 26th Apr 2024Whole School Download
Attendance Expectations 19th Sep 2023Whole School Download
Broadwood Coffee Morning 13th Sep 2023Whole School Download
Flu Vaccination 13th Oct 2023Whole School Download
Letter to Parents 18th Sep 2023Whole School Download
MCAS Parent Guide 27th Sep 2023Whole School Download
Mild Sickness and Illness Start of Year Reminder 19th Sep 2023Whole School Download
Newcastle Parent Carer Forum Summer Newsletter 14th Sep 2023Whole School Download
Nil Charge Meals Extention Letter 20th Jul 2023Whole School Download
Nil Charge School Meal Initiative Extension 07th Nov 2023Whole School Download
Prosper Nil charge meal extension 19th Jul 2024Whole School Download
School Inspections a Guide for Parents 18th Sep 2023Whole School Download
School System Reminder Letter 19th Sep 2023Whole School Download
School Systems - MCAS and Class Dojo 24th Sep 2023Whole School Download
Summer Term - Acting Headteacher letter 2 19th Jul 2024Whole School Download