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Consultation to Increase Pupil Numbers for Thomas Bewick School at Kenton Bar Primary School

Background and Rationale for Thomas Bewick School

The Trustees of Prosper Learning Trust and the Local Advisory Committee of Thomas Bewick School are consulting on the creation of additional places for Thomas Bewick School to meet immediate and longer term need for pupils with autism from September 2025.  Following discussions with the Local Authority regarding the need for additional autism places across the City, the recommendation is to achieve this through establishing a satellite provision at Kenton Bar Primary School.

Prosper Learning Trust is committed to working with Newcastle City Council to ensure there are sufficient specialist school places for pupils whose needs mean they require tailored educational provision.  This consultation is focused on the immediate and future need for places in the early years and primary phases of specialist provision for children with autism.  Thomas Bewick School is the main specialist provision in the city for these learners.  

Thomas Bewick School is highly regarded for delivering high quality teaching and learning for pupils with autism. The intention is to build on this good reputation and provide this expertise to a growing number of pupils across the City by creating additional specialist places for children with complex and profound needs associated with autism.

The school will continue with its provisions at Linhope Road, West Denton Way and Broadwood Primary School.  This current proposal is to add capacity with an additional specialist facility at Kenton Bar Primary School, increasing the school’s admission number by a further 32 places.  It is also proposed to change the age range of the school to 4 – 19.  This reflects the fact that the Thomas Bewick Nursery provision has been suspended since September 2023, due to the increased demand for places in Early Years and lower key stages, and will not be reinstated.

Background and Rationale for Kenton Bar Primary School

The Governors of Kenton Bar Primary School and the Trustees of Smart Multi Academy Trust are consulting on providing accommodation to Thomas Bewick School to enable their proposed increase in numbers as detailed above.  Kenton Bar has the benefit of available indoor and outdoor space which would meet the needs of Thomas Bewick School.  A portion of the Kenton Bar premises will become available from September 2025, due to a reduction in pupil admission numbers.  In terms of sustainable management of resources, having buildings occupied rather than unoccupied will be a better use of the school site in the public interest.  In terms of education, having the buildings occupied will create a better learning environment with a vibrant partner school sharing the premises rather than having empty buildings.

Autism growth in Newcastle

Published data on long-term historical trends shows there has been a continuous increase in the proportion of the pupil population with autism in Newcastle schools since 2010. The number who require specialist provision to meet their needs has also increased significantly and is expected to continue to do so.

Thomas Bewick School is designated as a specialist school for children and young people with autism and is for pupils whose needs can be best met within an autism specific environment. The school provides for pupils at the more complex end of the autism spectrum and all pupils have significant learning needs.

The increase in both the diagnosis and incidence of autism means that the current accommodation available at Thomas Bewick School will be insufficient to meet predicted future needs. Additional places will be needed for September 2025 and in future years, particularly for younger pupils in the early years and lower primary phase.

Newcastle City Council carried out a review of local SEND priorities and analysis of consultation responses suggested that there are not sufficient specialist places, or specialist expertise within mainstream provision to meet the growth in demand and that placing young children with emerging and complex needs into mainstream schools is not proving sustainable. 


Autism places in specialist provision required for September 2025 and beyond

In total, there is a need for 392 places in Thomas Bewick School for September 2025 onwards (32 more than are on roll at present).

In order to meet the increased demand for autism places at Thomas Bewick School, an option for potential additional accommodation has been explored.  For Newcastle City Council it is also essential that they ensure the best use of existing capacity and that resources across the city are being utilised effectively. 

The numbers of pupils that can be accommodated at Thomas Bewick is dependent upon the complexity of the individual needs of pupils. For pupils with more complex needs, more space (and therefore smaller class sizes) are required, thus reducing the overall capacity of the school.  Age is also an important factor to consider, as the space required for secondary age pupils is greater than that for primary. Thomas Bewick identifies that the majority of their pupils are on the severe end of the autistic spectrum.

Places within Thomas Bewick School have risen year-on-year since 2006 to meet the growing demand for specialist places for pupils with autism.

Another reason for increasing places at Thomas Bewick is that for pupils with autism, when placed in an environment where they are not thriving, this may result in secondary issues relating to their Social, Emotional or Mental Health (SEMH).

Rationale for use of Kenton Bar Primary School as an additional Thomas Bewick School satellite provision

  • This school is in large premises with spare capacity which the school are interested in sharing with another provider.
  • There are 3 classrooms in total, which could be occupied by Thomas Bewick. each accommodating 8 pupils.
  • There are additional spaces, which can be used as a sensory room, reception area, office/meeting room, and a staffroom/work area.  Use of the hall will allow for a dedicated dining facility for Thomas Bewick pupils and an area for rebound therapy.
  • There would be a dedicated playground area for Thomas Bewick pupils.
  • The required capital works can be carried out rapidly and Thomas Bewick will be able to occupy the space in time for new places to be available from September 2025.
  • Kenton Bar Primary School is reasonably close to the main Thomas Bewick Site, with good road links.
  • There is separate vehicular and pedestrian access into the building.

Consultation Process

This consultation will be shared with current and potential stakeholders:

  • Parents/carers at Thomas Bewick School and Kenton Bar Primary School
  • Staff at Thomas Bewick School and Kenton Bar Primary School
  • Trustees and governors at Prosper Learning Trust and SMART multi academy trust
  • Trade Unions
  • Newcastle City Council
  • Local community

The consultation will run from 12th March 2025 to 27th April 2025

You can provide feedback to the consultation using the form below:

Consultation Form

You can also email any queries in relation to this consultation to using “Thomas Bewick/Kenton Bar Consultation” in the subject line alternatively you can post your feedback to:

Prosper Learning Trust, Drayton Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE3 3RU.  

Stakeholder Consultation Meetings

A consultation meeting will be held for stakeholders on:

Monday 31st March 2025 at 2.00 pm at Thomas Bewick School

Thursday 10th April at 2.00 pm at Kenton Bar

Please contact the relevant school if you would like to attend.

Staff Consultation Meetings

Consultation meetings for staff will take place as follows:

Thomas Bewick School: Monday 31st March at 3.30 pm

Kenton Bar Primary School:  Thursday 10th April at 3.30 pm