
Religious Education (SMSC, Culture & Enrichment)

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At Thomas Bewick School we recognise and value the diverse religious and cultural backgrounds of all of our pupils and staff. We celebrate and embrace diversity by teaching and modelling tolerance and kindness at all times. We recognise the different religious and non-religious backgrounds of each of our pupils and their families and therefore work to ensure that Religious Education (RE) is accessible to all pupils of any religious persuasion or none.  

We support the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development of pupils first and foremost, believing that these are the cornerstones to children and young people developing into well rounded and happy adults who can live as independently as possible.  

We embed the Prosper Learning Trust values of Kindness, Integrity, Resilience and Aspiration into our ‘character curriculum’ which is core to everything that we do at Thomas Bewick School. This means that children and young people are supported to be good citizens with a sense of belonging and responsibility. 

In Culture and Enrichment lessons which all pupils and students access, we seek to learn about, experience and celebrate different religions, festivals, cultures and traditions. We raise awareness of, and are involved in supporting charity events locally, nationally and further afield. We nurture a sense of community and belonging in everything that we do by engaging children, broadening their experience and widening their horizons. 

Culture and Enrichment Policy

Subject Documents Date  
Culture and Enrichment Timetable 2022-23 26th Apr 2023 Download
Assembly Programme 2022-2023 28th Apr 2023 Download