Return to SubjectsMaths is a vital skill that will support pupil’s learning across our whole curriculum. All our pupils have autism and the impact of this on their development and learning can be very complex. All pupils, however, have the same entitlement to develop mathematical skills and as a school, we will ensure that all of our pupils are given the most appropriate Maths progression route depending on their specific needs and abilities.
We have four ‘Maths progression routes’ and teacher assessment will inform the progression route that each pupil will follow. There is flexibility in this and a pupil may transfer onto a different progression route as and when appropriate based on the progress they make.
Our Maths progression routes across our school are:
EYFS, KS1, KS2 and KS3
Engager Maths (EYFS) |
Mastering Early Number (NCETM) |
White Rose Maths (Mastery Maths) |
KS4 |
Engager Maths (EYFS) |
Mastering Early Number (NCETM) |
White Rose Maths (Mastery Maths) |
Entry Level/ Functional Skills |
Post 16 |
ASDAN Personal Progress and ASDAN Realising Aspirations |
ASDAN CoPE Level 1 and ASDAN Personal and Social Development |
Maths is taught every day either as a discrete subject or within adult/child led activities within continuous provision. Our maths curriculum is ambitious as pupils are taught and experience a breadth of Mathematical skills which are developmentally appropriate for them. Pupils who are learning to develop new skills are given opportunities to be taught to use Mathematical skills with fluency, accuracy and understanding through a variety of discrete and cross-curricular learning opportunities.
For our pupils who are ready to learn Maths concepts formally, our aim is for them to develop positive attitudes and interests in mathematics, look for patterns and relationships, spot connections, ‘have a go’, communicate with adults and peers about what they notice and not be afraid to make mistakes.. Essentially, we want pupils to enjoy Maths and to find enjoyment in Maths, which will in turn contribute to educational success.
Pupils will be given the opportunity to explore different concepts in Maths and/or to learn skills which interest them, to assist them in nurturing enjoyment in their Maths learning and to help them to appreciate the rich opportunities to learn new concepts in Maths.
Engager Maths: The Early Years Foundation Stage
Pupils have exposure to Maths through play, focusing on number, pattern, shape, space and measure. Maths provision is planned with the support of the White Rose EYFS scheme and NCETM Progression Charts to ensure coverage in each area of Maths. Pupils work through steps within The Thomas Bewick Learning Journey and Development Matters with the end objective of reaching the Early Learning Goal.
The EYFS is used to ensure pupils develop a strong grounding in number so that all children develop the necessary building blocks to excel mathematically. The aim of teaching EYFS Maths is to ensure that they can:
- Count confidently
- Have a deep understanding of numbers to 10
- Understand patterns within numbers
- Develop a secure base of knowledge and vocabulary from which mastery of mathematics is built.
- Develop spatial reasoning.
Pupils will learn through manipulatives such as: natural resources, number block characters, number books, numicon, counting bears, number board with dice pattern and multilink being implemented within their environment so that they can explore and learn within their immediate environment. On the engager pathway staff will be modelling stem sentences to promote pupils’ awareness of mathematical language within the classroom environment.
Explorer Maths: Mastering Early Number
The Mastering Early Number (MEN) programme is introduced when the pupils showing a ‘readiness to learn’ through their retention of basic knowledge and skills in maths. On this pathway pupils focus on exposure to number skills so that they develop the necessary building blocks to excel mathematically and develop fluency in number. Pupils will work through the MEN programme at different rates but they will generally be working on the MEN programme until they reach the age related expectations of the ELG in reception or the ready-to-progress criteria in Year 1 and Year 2.
The Mastering Early Number (MEN) programme is used as a fun, visual and lively way to teach Maths. The aim of teaching our pupils Mastering Early Number is to ensure that they can:
- Develop fluency in number
- Use manipulatives and representations.
- Use stem sentences when modelled to support reasoning and problem solving promote mathematical language
- Meet the Ready to progress criteria.
Our pupils who are learning MEN will participate in at least four MEN lessons a week:
- Pupils will be introduced to new concepts every week
- Pupils will be grouped in homogenous groups with pupils who have similar mathematical ability.
- Pupils will have access to high quality continuous provision indoor and outdoor which focusses on pattern, shape, space and measure
Discoverer Maths: Mastery Maths
Pupils progress onto Mastery Maths when they achieve ELG. Pupils begin by exploring fluency in Maths concepts. Once pupils are confident with fluency on a concept, they can progress onto reasoning and problem solving. The Mastery Maths approach is supported through White Rose Maths.
White Rose Maths (WRM) programme is used as a fun, visual and lively way to teach Maths. The aim of teaching our pupils Mastery Maths is to ensure that they can:
- Develop fluency
- Develop reasoning and problem solving
- Retrieve concepts in maths
- Use manipulatives and representations.
- Use stem sentences to support reasoning and problem solving promote mathematical language
- Meet the Ready to progress criteria.
Our pupils who are learning Mastery Maths will participate in at least five WRM lessons a week:
- Pupils will be introduced to new concepts every week
- Pupils will be grouped in homogenous groups with pupils who have similar mathematical ability
Functional Maths
The Functional Maths qualifications are introduced in Post 14 and continue through Post 16. Functional Skills qualifications are key to building foundations for learners to progress into their specialist skill sets. In our school we have the option to complete pre entry, entry level 1, 2 and 3 then functional skills level 1 and 2.
These subjects are a vital part of the entry/exit requirement for vocational study, internships, apprenticeships and traineeships.
This accreditation route is an alternative to GCSE, Functional Skills offers learners a vocational pathway with the flexibility to sit their assessment all year round.
The controlled assessment is divided into 2 sections:
• Section A: The non-calculator section
• Section B: The calculator section
Post 16 Maths
In Post 16 students are split into 2 pathways: Steps into Independence and Steps into Work. The end goal in Maths is for our students to be prepared with mathematical skills that will support them in the wider world as they leave our setting.
On the Steps into Independence Pathway students work towards the Personal Progress and Realising Aspirations certificates.
The Personal Progress Certificate ensures that students can:
- Show early mathematical skills in measure.
- Show early mathematical skills in position.
- Show early mathematical skills in sequencing and sorting.
- Show early mathematical skills in shape.
The Realising Aspirations Certificate ensures that students can incorporate Maths within these preparing for adulthood modules:
- Friends, relationships and community
- Employment
- Good health
- Independent living
ASDAN Personal Progress websiteASDAN Realising Aspirations website
On the Steps into Work Pathway students work towards the CoPE Level 1 and Personal and Social Development certificates.
The CoPE Level 1 Certificate ensures that students can incorporate Maths within these preparing for adulthood modules:
- Introduction to Working with Others (in a team)
- Introduction to improving own Learning and Performance
- Introduction to Problem Solving
- Planning and Carrying out a Piece of Research
- Communicating Through Discussion (in a group).
- Planning and Giving an Oral Presentation
The Personal and Social Development ensures that students can incorporate Maths within these preparing for adulthood modules:
- Community action
- Healthy living
- Preparation for work
- Managing own money
- Parenting awareness
- Making the most of leisure time
- Environmental awareness
- Using technology in the home and community
- Personal safety in the home and community
ASDAN Personal Progress websiteASDAN CoPE website
Please also see our:
Subject Documents |
Mathematics Policy |
Maths Calculation Policy |
Maths Subject Progression Map |